Wild Ones Twin Cities Annual Meeting

November 14, 2023

Wild Ones Twin Cities Seed Exchange, Volunteer Party and Annual Meeting

Wood Lake Nature Center

6:30 Social and Begin Seed Exchange

7:00 Brief Annual Meeting

7:15 Pizza and Volunteer Party

You are invited to join chapter leaders as we celebrate our successes of 2023 and look ahead to 2024. The evening will be mostly about getting to know each other, sharing stories from 2023 and Wild Ones Twin Cities plans for the future. 


Please bring any Minnesota native plant seeds you are sharing in a labeled containers. Data should include Latin name, common name, date and location of where the seeds were collected. Any additional information on seed origin is welcome, such as which nursery you purchased your plants, etc. At the end of the evening, any seeds that remain will be collected by Wild Ones volunteers to be packaged for our January 20 Winter Sowing event. 


Each year we elect officers for 2024. This is required via our charter and national organization. We contact nominees in the weeks leading up to our annual meeting to confirm their availability and willingness to serve. If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please contact Julia or Jeremy. You may also nomimate a member, or yourself, to become a chapter board member. While many board members hope to return in 2024, we do have open positions and will need to approve the slate of officers via a vote by the membership.  


Thank you, thank you, thank you! to all who have helped us make this year a success! Let's celebrate with Pizza and enjoy an evening of new and renewed friendships. We'll order a mix of veggie, dairy free, meat lovers and gluten free pizza so everyone will be able to partake. Please RSVP to info@wildonestwincities.org 


Do you have a photo from a Wild Ones activity you attended this year? We're collecting images to share at the meeting. Please send to Holley before November 11.

Added note: If you would like to attend the volunteer party and do not like to drive at night, please let us know when you RSVP and we will do our best to help you find a ride. 


You can watch a version of the presentation by Heather Holm, "Restoring Ecosystem Functionality and Biodiversity in Minnesota’s Changing Climate," given at the Minnesota Native Plant Society here.