September Program

Bristly sarsaparilla at Tettegouche State Park

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Social 6:30 pm. | Program 7:00 pm
Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield MN 

Chasing Minnesota’s Native Wildflowers

Meet Phyllis Root and Kelly Povo, authors of Searching for Minnesota’s Native Wildflowers; A Guide for Beginners, Botanists, and Everyone in Between

Lesser purple fringed orchid
Phyllis Root is a writer, Kelly Povo is a photographer, and they love searching for and learning about Minnesota's native wildflowers—the ones that have been growing here for centuries. They happily climb steep hills, wade streams, search in bogs and fens, and brake for wildflowers they see along the road.  Learn about the wildflowers they search for, why they search, and where they (sometimes) find some of Minnesota’s little-known native wildflower treasures. They will also share stories of their own adventures (and misadventures) that led to their first book, a Northeastern Minnesota Book Award finalist, and to their forthcoming book, Wildflower Chasing:  An Adventurous Guide to Minnesota's Native Wildflowers and Their Unique Habitats.
Well-dressed flowerchasers
Phyllis, an award-winning author, has written many picture books about Minnesota, including Big Belching BogPlant a Pocket of PrairieOne North Star, and The Lost Forest, all published by the University of Minnesota Press. Kelly, a professional photographer for over thirty years, has exhibited in galleries and art shows across the country. Her photographs have been published on posters, calendars, note cards, and in books.  
After their first book about wildflowers Kelly and Phyllis started a blog (, and they frequently send audio postcards of their searches to Minnesota Public Radio. They are still chasing flowers and love sharing what they learn with fellow wildflower lovers. 

Whatever they are doing, Phyllis and Kelly laugh—a lot.

Kelly and Phyllis will be bringing their wildflower book to sell, along with some of Phyllis' children's books on Minnesota: One North StarPlant a Pocket of PrairieBig Belching BogThe Lost Forest, and Begin With A Bee, which she co-authored with Jackie Briggs Martin and Liza Ketchum.

16th Annual Monarch Festival – Festival de la Monarca

Join Wild Ones Twin Cities at the Minneapolis Monarch Festival!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

10 am - 4 pm

Lake Nokomis Park

Want to volunteer? Click here to sign up!

The Festival celebrates the monarch butterfly amazing 2,300 mile migration from Minnesota to Mexico with music, food, dance, hands-on art, native plant sales and plenty of opportunities to get up close with monarch butterflies, learn about their habitats, and what you can do to make a difference.

The Festival will be held just east of the Lake Nokomis Community Center in the area bounded by E. Minnehaha Parkway, Woodlawn Boulevard, and E. Nokomis Parkway. Map & Directions

Like Monarch Butterfly this time of year, we are busy! The festival is coordinating with our artist friends and science colleagues to bring you activities and learning opportunities at the 2024 Monarch Festival.

Summer Tours

Wild Ones Twin Cities has three upcoming tours of private member gardens, each one having a unique approach to native plant gardening. Here's a preview; more information will be posted soon!

SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2024 *

Dave Crawford Gardens in St Paul

Limited Space | Registration Opens July 9

Do to the limited attendance on this popular event, we ask that register for only one tour. There is a waitlist in case of cancellations. Thank you.

1:00 to 2:00 pm | Guided tour for 10 people walking the Buffalo Grass pathways | REGISTER HERE

2:00 to 3:00 pm | Guided tour for 20 people along areas above and below the gardens | REGISTER HERE

Dave's LEED** home and surrounding gardens overlook Lake Como. The landscape consists of four rain gardens planted in 2020 and a large lawn-replacement garden planted in 2022. The plantings are 95% native, with a pollinator value preference, and are landscaped to retain or slow-flow precipitation run-off. Plants include a mix of dry prairie, shade-tolerant, and moisture-tolerant species. Pollinator species diversity is documented, and has shown an increase each year since installations.

Dave is a retired career Naturalist for the MN Department if Natural Resources (1975-2009). His long experience of teaching and a passion for the natural world, has made him a reservoir of native plant habitat knowledge, that he readily and skillfully shares. He currently volunteers as a Naturalist Mentor.

**Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a green building certification program used worldwide.

SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2024 *

Cass Markovich Gardens in Northeast Minneapolis

1:00 to 3:00 pm | Open to Public |  REGISTER HERE

Cass Markovich and her husband, Chuck, moved into their corner lot home in Northeast Minneapolis in 2018. Having been a rental property for years, there were no gardens and a lot of Creeping Charlie. As a textile artist, Cass needed beauty but was not a gardener. Her first plants, mostly non-natives and cultivars, were gifts from neighbors; she also added clover to her lawn.

Shortly after she began gardening Cass learned of a native plant sale offered by Wild Ones Twin Cities, beginning the journey to learn about and create gardens for wildlife, climate resilience and beauty. Cass is a member of Elders Climate Action (ECA) and can readily relay the benefit native plants play in carbon sequestration.

The tour will encompass all of her gardens, a blend of the older gifts from neighbors and an abundance of established and newly added native plants. As a recent recipient of Lawns to Legumes grant, Cass has yet another native plant garden being added this summer.


Holley Wlodarczyk Gardens in East Bloomington

Noon to 3:00 pm | Wild Ones members only | REGISTER HERE

Holley and her husband, Andrew, moved into their mid-century home in East Bloomington in 2002. In 2013 Holley discovered and joined Wild Ones, taking on various leadership roles, including organizing our Native Plant Sale for several years.

Her curiosity and intention to learn about native plants is evident in her gardens. While she says they are nothing special, simply a lot of gardens planted over times, they are a perfect example of the journey we each take as we learn about adding native plants to existing landscapes.

Holley's gardens include small rain gardens, shady and sunny plantings, bird baths and lots of pink flamingo whimsy. The meandering trails in the large yard, reveal surprising “plant rooms” around every turn. These are not formal gardens; most of them have been artful experiments to see what would grow and thrive, while providing habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.

*In the event of adverse weather conditions, tours will be rescheduled for the following day.