June 5th ~ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Tour with Paul Erdmann, Caretaker and Conservation Chair

Here is a golden opportunity to learn more about this organization's history, conservation goals, and tour the grounds of one of the local chapters. Paul currently works for MN Pollution Control Agency and is the chapter caretaker and conservation chair. If you were fortunate enough to attend Paul's Wild Ones lecture on lakeshore restoration and maintenance you will be glad to have the chance to see his work. "On the shores of Bush Lake (Bloomington, MN) since 1937, the Bush Lake Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America has helped advance projects and programs locally, state-wide and nationally to protect clean water, wetlands, forests and wilderness, preserve and restore wildlife habitat, encourage cleaner and renewable energy production, and promote the sustainable use of natural resources so they can also provide for the needs of future generations. The Bush Lake Chapter consists of a diverse array of native habitats- from shore land, to prairie, to woodland."
The tour is free and open to the public.
Bush Lake Chapter of the
Izaak Walton League of America
7515 Izaak Walton Road
Bloomington, MN 55438
Directions to the lodge:
Limited parking is available. Car pooling is encouraged. Overflow parking, if needed, is at the nearby Bush Lake public beach parking. The tour will start in the lodge with a brief introduction and continue outside to tour the grounds.