Tuesday, May 15, 2018
6:45 pm-7:00 pm | Social7:00 pm-8:45 pm | Program
Wood Lake Nature Center
6710 Lake Shore Dr S, Richfield, MN 55423
All meetings are free and open to the public.
Dustin Demmer
Blazing Star Gardens LLC
Join the grass revolution! Learn how to combine the serenity of grasses and sedges with the visual punch of flowers in any garden. No longer seen as ornamental novelties, grasses are a crucial component in low maintenance gardens and an important source of food and habitat for pollinators. From garden recruits to designer Generals, everyone has a role to play in the sedge resistance.
Tuesday May 15th
Sunday June 3rd.
Choose from 6 native plant collections specially designed for a Bumble Bee Banquet, Monarch Habitat, For the Birds, 3-Season Boulevard garden, Pollinator Raingarden and Showy Woodland Edge!
Individual plants, including wildflowers, native grasses, woodland favorites, and native shrubs are also available.
Hello Gardeneers,
Gardening this Tuesday May 8, 6-8pm. Would like to concentrate first on the lakeside garden since it has the most significant spring blooms and a good pedestrian showcase. We can also clean the south edge of the boulevard. The following week, there will not be a Tuesday eve, since Wells Fargo volunteer on Thursday. They’ll help us tackle the Creeping Charley and Quack Grass. Check out the Twin Cities Wild Ones meeting on Tuesday.http://www.wildonestwincities.org
Check out gardeneer Leslie Pilgrim’s newest edition ofTheButterfly Effect. Sign up for this free educational while inspirational magazine athttps://neighborhoodgreening.org
Virginia Bluebells, maybe some in bloom next Tuesday. Photo taken last year at the Lakeside Garden. A spring ephemeral so not here long. Carly State Park is a great place to see many in the “wild”.
Coming up too soon is the Grow Monarch Habitat Workshop, an annual event for many years led by the NN Gardeneers. It is a fun event and a great opportunity to share our habitat gardening zeal. To learn more go to the Nokomis East Neighborhood Association website http://nokomiseast.org/grow-monarch-habitat-workshop/
1. VOLUNTEER to help the day of the workshop and to set up the day before. A number of you have helped often through the years and your experience would be appreciated again! Of course all hands are helpful. Come for whatever day/time you can but let me know when so RSVP please!
Friday, May 18th, 3-5pm at the Nokomis Community Center: Help pull together the Monarch Garden-to-Go kits, plant sale, set up chairs, tables and displays.
Saturday, May 19th 9-1pm: Help with plant sale and NN volunteer table. Help breakdown chairs and tables. You can sign up for either a 9-11ish or a 11-1ish shift.
2.SPREAD the WORD: attached is a poster if you’d like to post. Easier is to go the Nokomis Naturescape facebook page and share the Event Post.
Also the MAY DAY FESTIVAL:A Minnesota treasure with a parade not to be missed. Wild Ones and the Naturescape are sharing a table at the Festival this Sunday 11-4. If you’d like to join us, let me know at 612-232-8196.
Thanks Always ;-)
Vicki Bonk
Nokomis Naturescape Gardeneer Coordinator
Consider the environment: grow habitat gardens…plant a tree…ride a bike…
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